Naval Ensign Wood Boxes
Naval Ensign Ditty Boxes: A handy solid hardwood wood box suitable for a variety of uses, including a place to store your naval ensign
coasters. This well-crafted, hinged-lid box measures 5.5" x 5.5" x 2.25" (outside) and 4.25" x 4.25" x 1.5" (inside) and holds up to five tile coasters
or whatever you like (like dice, ship models, etc.). Styles include Austro-Hungarian Navy, French Navy Armee Navale, British
Royal Navy White Ensign, Imperial German Navy Hochseeflotte, Italian Navy Regia Marina, Imperial Japanese Navy, Imperial Russian Navy,
Spanish Navy Armada Espanola, USN First Navy Jack. Soviet Navy, Imperial Chinese Navy, Confederate Navy 7-Star Stars & Bars and
the John Paul Jones Serapis Flag.
You can see more naval theme boxes at our Naval Theme Boxes page.